The world's most comprehensive source for Global Business Intelligence designed for professionals everywhere.
Not all answers are reliable intelligence. Professional-grade insights require both reliable data and precisely focused context.
Large Language Models (LLMs) are a monumental step forward in the world of business intelligence. Their ability to ingest massive volumes of data and quickly distill and summarize the information in an instant will forever change the role of professional knowledge workers.
As the saying goes “garbage in, critically bad decisions out”. LLMs are so good at providing convincing, authoritative answers it is often difficult to discern a good answer from complete garbage. These ”hallucinations” are caused by a lack of data and/or the wrong data being fed to the mathematical models. By contrast, LLMs coupled with great data can yield stunningly accurate and insightful intelligence.
PowerIntell.AI provides unrivalled capabilities for intelligent vertical search and contextual filtering of the enriched data. This enables the operator to identify, include, and if necessary, exclude the specific sources which are provided to the LLM for for analysis through a process called Retrieval-Augmented Generation(RAG).
Full visibility and confidence in the source data provenance and attribution is critical to reliance on Generative Intelligence. All generative output is appropriately cited and linked allowing users to directly access the source data in its original published form.
We place the power of billions of dollars of R&D and decades of research in your hands to make smarter, better-informed business decisions.
The responsible application of emerging technologies is a crucial component of strategy for today’s business professionals and a necessary to remain competitive and informed. PowerIntell.AI provides every business professional everywhere access to the latest and most powerful technologies perfectly orchestrated to provide professionals with the most reliable and comprehensive access to global business intelligence.